This question popped into my world a few days ago. It really made me wonder…

I could sense the energy, yet I could not, right away, grasp what energy it was inviting me to… until now!

Stillness,.. yes.. Stillness what is that? And what is it to you?

Perhaps you might consider it to be..
..‘being silent’..
..’being inactive’..
..’being docile’..
..’being slow’..
..’or being clueless of what to do’..

It just dawned on me and to me it is such a beautiful and serene energy that I’d like to share.
So the question: ‘What if being the stillness is the greatest action you can take..?’

What if stillness could be..
..being in a moment where you BE in ‘a space of reflecting’..?
..being in a moment of total relaxation with whatever is, without the need to make sense of it, figuring it out or having to ‘get it’..?
..being in a moment to fully receive all that you sense, notice and are aware of to include & add to you, so you get to BE more of you..?
..being in a moment when you have the time and space to FULLY acknowledge ALL of you, your body and your creations up untill that moment..?
..being in a moment where you are totally present with ALL the possibilities you have on the ‘menu’ to choose from ánd realizing there is so much more you can ask for..?
..being in a moment where you are so ‘connected’ with all there is and the nothingness it all is at the same time..?

What if BEing the Stillness is the GREATEST action you can take..!?
Would you take a moment, every now and then, to BE the stillness you might never imagened you could BE..?